The Classic Punch Clock is a Contactless smart card system that replaces legacy cardboard time cards. Providing automated payroll reports, this electronic punch clock eliminates and simplifies many of the routine chores required to collect and process your in-out time & attendance information. It also eliminate the hassle of continuously buying punch card supplies.
Classic Punch Clock can run on the Com port of any PC that can handle Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000. The Punch clock starter kit comes with all the software and hardware required to set up your own system.
System Description
Employees are assigned Contactless smart cards that are used to identify themselves. When a card is presented to the punch clock, a window pops up on the screen. The employees can then click on the "IN" button to indicate they are starting to work or the "OUT" button to indicate they are leaving work.
As depicted below, The Classic Punch Clock form is very simple and straightforward. It displays the current date and time and some basic employee information.
The comment area can be used by the employees to enter a comment relative to their arrival or departure. For example, one may wish to explain a late arrival, a premature departure, etc...
Generate payroll reports
You can throw your mechanical clock away and recycle all the paper time cards.
You can get 3 different payroll reports:
-Daily Hours Payroll Report;
-Time Card Payroll Report;
-Multiple Payroll Report;