Universal Wiegand readers are units that support multiple bit stream lengths and customer keying. Wiegand bit streams come in a variety of formats, protocols and bit lengths. Multi-application cards support the use of keys to access information stored within a card. They are not locked down to a specific Wiegand protocol, bit stream length or keyset when manufactured. You can instruct our readers and cards to use your own keys, bit stream lengths and protocols. In fact, with AmeriSys readers, you have control over the behavior of the readers. You can instruct them to behave the way you want them to. Our systems are open, you may be free to obtain cards from a variety of sources. You can even choose to implement your own keying schemes.
Our variable length Universal Wiegand bit stream generator enables you to instruct the reader to transmit different bit stream lengths using any Wiegand protocol. As your needs may vary in time, this gives you some futur proofing. Our unique programmed functions allow you to combine multiple bit streams for a given card. For example, you may instruct a reader to output a 26 bit code when a card is presented to it. You may also instruct an identical device to output a 32 bit stream when the same card is presented. You may further instruct a third device to output an ABA (American Banker's Association) bit stream when the same card is presented. You may also specify, by card, how many bits are to be output on any given reader. This is in opposition to the FIPS-201 philosophy, where the reader decides how many bits to transmit out of all the information available in the card.
AmeriSys readers can be configured to operate using the FIPS-201 approach or the more flexible card based universal approach and even both approaches simultaneously. In a nutshell, with AmeriSys, you are in command.