Frequently Asked Questions |
Your passport to security |
- What is access control?
- What is a Universal reader?
- What do the cards look like?
- How do these new readers fit in?
- Can I get away without a controller?
- I have special needs, can you help me?
- What do access control systems look like?
- How can I do more than just access control?
How can I do more than just access control |
Working with multi-application cards, AmeriSys readers support
the merging of many different access control cards into a single card.
Other members of the AmeriSys reader family support transactions.
Transactions deal with information stored in a card. This information
can be used for access control, funds stored in electronic purses,
fidelity system points, public transit passes, etc...
For example, since 1994, our proximity smart card systems have been
used as building blocks of friendly, easy to use systems
- B2C (Business to Consumer)
Starting as a 5,000 user school bus pilot run,
the Hull-Gatineau bus system has grown since its
beginnings in 1996 to a 55,000 user success story
...and it's still growing !
- B2B (Business to Business)
- EPM (Enterprise Process Monitoring)
Smart Cards for Smart People
Read/Write & Transaction Control
| |
- How do proximity smart cards enhance security?
- How do proximity smart cards fit in access control?
- What role will smart cards play in access control down the road?
Copyright 2006, AmeriSys Inc. All rights reserved.
No part of this web site, including the text, photos or illustrations, may be reproduced or transmitted in any other form or by any means
(electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) for commercial use without the prior written permission of AmeriSys Inc. |